Carrie L. Schmidt
Meet Carrie
Founder & CEO,
Infinite SOULutions, LLC

Carrie Schmidt puts the SOUL in SOULutions by transforming lives personally and professionally.
She is a dynamic, influential Thought Leader and Motivational Speaker who has the ability to instantly captivate your mind, motivate your heart, and awaken your soul by empowering you to gain clarity on your purpose, overcome limiting beliefs, and have the confidence to go outside your comfort zone.
She customizes her approach to each client’s needs and teaches the tools required to actually transform their personal or professional goals into reality. ​
Everything depends upon your perspective within your Life Timeline.
Carrie L. Schmidt

Carrie teaches a structured system of transformation that has helped her transform her own life and now has a significant impact on others' lives. As a single mom at age 25 on welfare and barely making it by, Carrie vowed to provide the best life for her son. She entered corporate America working an entry level position in Customer Service and swiftly climbed the ladder in management by showcasing her talents for problem solving, teambuilding, and conscious leadership. After 10 years of dedicated hard work, Carrie assumed full P&L responsibility for a $100 million unionized manufacturing facility as General Manager. Within 3 months of being promoted to this position and being a woman in a mostly male-dominated industry, she led the team to record breaking improvements. After achieving everything she ever worked for, Carrie still felt a longing for something greater. She embarked on a spiritual journey of personal discovery and development that led her to research the fundamentals of psychology, neuroscience, and quantum physics. She ventured to Los Angeles and studied under Mary Morrissey at the LifeMastery Institute to become a Certified Life Mastery Consultant. It became her passion to help raise human consciousness and teach what she learned as an adult to teens and young adults who need to understand the power of the mind. Now, considered an Enterprise Change Agent and Transformational Life & Business Success Coach, Carrie offers life coaching programs, business consulting services, and is releasing her first book, Behind the Screen, which teaches the 7-Step Life Timeline System of Transformation. Her vision is to reach, teach, and transform over 1 million lives globally by helping raise human consciousness and mental health awareness.
Oprah Winfrey, my dream is to be interviewed by you!
Just like you interviewed...Gabrielle Bernstein, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Marianne Williamson, and many other transformational leaders. I want to be a part of that list. I will be on that list.
I can, I will, I AM!
This or something even greater still.